La MURGA!! - Los Espositos

Napoli, Italia


Murga(noun) - /ˈmɜːrɡə/

A dynamic and culturally rich form of street performance that originated in Uruguay and Argentina. Performers are dressed in colorful costumes and dance to the beat of drums and other percussion instruments.

Esposito(noun) - /es-po-ˈsi-toʊ/

Said of a baby: Abandoned by their parents, placed for adoption, or left in a public place (such as the doors of a church) for someone to raise.


drum blah

I spoke to Peppe, the leader of Los Espositos, saying 'Posso fare ritratto?' which I had learned on the spot from a translation. Our first encounter was when I passed by him as he parked his Vespa on the street in front of Dante subway station. I couldn't help but ask if I could take a portrait of his classic and beautiful appearance.

game on


From that point on, I found myself participating in their practice sessions and taking photos. I even accompanied them on expeditions to neighboring towns. Always putting their heart and soul into drumming and dancing, I, in turn, dedicated myself wholeheartedly to capturing their performances.


drumer and audience

Approaching, retreating, and approaching again... as I repeated this process in my photography, I felt like I became one of the performers. Now, when I close my eyes to reminisce about that town, what comes to mind is the rich, thick aroma of espresso and the time spent with Los Espositos.


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